
1. Installation#

Docker image of RumBall (based on Ubuntu 22.04) is available at DockerHub. This image contains various tools for RNA-seq analysis as below:

1.1. Docker#

To use the docker command, type:

# Pull docker image
docker pull rnakato/rumball

# Container login
docker run --rm -it rnakato/rumball /bin/bash
# Execute a command
docker run -it --rm rnakato/rumball <command>
  • user:password
    • ubuntu:ubuntu

1.2. Singularity#

Singularity is the alternative way to use the docker image. With this command you can build the singularity file (.sif) of RumBall:

singularity build rumball.sif docker://rnakato/rumball

Instead, you can download the RumBall singularity image from our Dropbox (We use singularity version 3.8.5).

Then you can run RumBall with the command:

singularity exec rumball.sif <command>

Singularity will automatically mount the current directory. If you want to access the files in the other directory, use the --bind option, for instance:

singularity exec --bind /work rumball.sif <command>

This command mounts the /work directory.